Self-Study Course for New Managers

Get a year's access to your course content, the Managers' Network resources and weekly meet ups as soon as you register (watch the video to see how it works)

This includes:

  • A purposefully designed programme of six modules, 'dropped' over twelve weeks to give you space and time to learn, reflect and apply.
  • Nine team development 'tools' from the Go Slow to Go FastTM playbook with video and pdf guides on how to make the most of them with your team.
  • Immediate access to our Managers' Network and weekly, live meet ups.
  • A course Completion Certificate and LinkedIn Certification award, on submission of a short reflection paper (with feedback from us to support your continued growth as a manager).
  • Is English not your first language? We have worked internationally for decades so understand how to support you. Co-Founder Hazel is also a native Spanish speaker.

Need to ask a few more questions? Schedule a call with co-founder Nick to make sure you are making the right decision.

Download the curriculum to find out more (and share with your manager and HR team).

What People Are Saying:

I came out of the course feeling energised and raring to go. I was lacking confidence as a manager, but now I have a new community of managers and, with all the skills I acquired, I think my role as a manager is clear and I know how to lead my team. I’m still applying the learnings from your course daily and it was a game-changer for me, I have so much more clarity when it comes to management now.


This course was a real lightning bolt for me as a manager. The content in this course not only opened my eyes but it was simply presented and backed up by inclusive and relevant conversation to give the model or framework life to you in your role. I now have a far greater understanding of team dynamics and the theory behind building a team and an understanding of goals and behaviours and how to achieve them quicker through teamwork. This was a great course, with great content, delivered well, I recommend it.


My key learning is that slowing down is essential is we want to build self-leadership in our team members. We cannot expect this autonomy to happen, without first building trust and alignment within our team. This is what I am now working on, and I can already see changes happening in how my team is working.


This course offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded new managers. In small groups, you are given great examples that you can apply directly in your work environment. Every question and situation is addressed with helpful tips. I got a lot out of this course and can only recommend it to every new manager. Thank you to Hazel & Nick!


I have learned to not worry too much about everything I do and also to just keep being myself. And of course, with all the content and tools still available, I feel prepared for any kind of situation!


I've already run my first team development session using the tools we've learned and by the end we felt really, really aligned. We were all like, wow, we really feel like we're really moving in the same direction!


Very skeptical to begin with wasn't sure this course was the right one for me not being a direct team manager, but the tools taught are invaluable and can be applied whether you are a direct team leader or an influencer. Was very surprised at the outcome when applying the tools. has opened my eye's to what came be accomplished. The most useful aspect of the course, for myself, were the tools and methods that were provided for establishing and safely growing a team but also learning to think about breaking work into smaller measurable deliverables.


Very inspiring and practical course that will level up your skills to manage people and drive change in organisations putting people in the centre of that. Nick and Hazel were always available to provide their view, experience and resources to address challenges I have faced when managing people.


$149.00 USD

We hope you are ready to make the most of this course, our guidance and the weekly live coaching sessions. However, if for whatever reason you are not satisfied with the course, then we are happy to give you a full refund, up to 30 days from the date of your purchase. All we ask is that you give us feedback about your decision (because then we can learn how to be better). You can read more about our Terms and Conditions in the drop down menu at the top left of our Home page.

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